Buttondatasetup Ini Download

  1. Buttondatasetup.ini Fifa 14 Download

Hi, I was having the same problem, I use the same 'buttonDataSetup.ini' since Fifa 11 without problems. But today with the Fifa 19 my control had inverted the up and down buttons, so I was looking the buttonDataSetup from this version and there is something very weird. The control has configured when UP then DOWN, and when DOWN then UP. Download buttondata.ini.7z How to install buttondata.ini: Copy file buttondata.ini to the installation directory of the program that is requesting buttondata.ini. If that doesn't work, you will have to copy buttondata.ini to your system directory. Go download 'x360 ce emulator' paste it in your fifa 17 demo. Open x360 and edit buttons. If it doesn't work use editing buttondatasetup.ini in documentsfifa17. Here's a video how to do it. If you edit buttondata file you have to delete x360 ce and 2 other files that program created from fifa17.exe directory. It messes up controls. Go in MOD folder, copy my buttonDataSetup.ini and paste into your FIFA 17 profile folder: yourusername Documents FIFA 17 – overwrite the original file. INFO Now the FK change camera button issue is fixed.

Give an apology to all people who suddenly to be “beta tester” for the first version ! Now, this FIXED version works pernamently.

As promised, FIFA CONFIG ADDON by MONKEYDRAGON for those who CAN NOT START FIFACONFIG.EXE released today. You can set KEYBOARD and GRAPHIC SETTING, exactly the same as fifaconfig.exe. Enjoy to be “WE ARE11″

Buttondatasetup.ini download
+ Support setting for fifaconfig.exe
Buttondatasetup ini downloader
+ ESC changable
* For Windows Vista/7 user, please set RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR .
– Click on CONFIG ADDON icon on desktop to launch.
Buttondatasetup Ini Download
1) Launch TOOL
3) Choose setting

Buttondatasetup.ini Fifa 14 Download